
Get Enhanced is a blog committed to serving individuals with opportunities to better their lives through unique products and services to improve their health, wealth and lifestyle.
Living an ENHANCED LIFE is for individuals that takes a deep look inside… FIRST.  Before you really go any further, you need to ask yourself a question, “Why am I here?”  Once you have the answer to that question will you really know if you should proceed reading or not.  If you answered something like, “To make better choices so I can have better outcomes and to have enduring relationships that thrive.” then I’d like for you to continue reading.  If you still don’t have a clue, then maybe you should take some time to think about it before you continue reading.
Are you a person that takes their health seriously?
Non Healthy Individual’s Paradigm
 “It’s too expensive to eat healthy or take supplements?”
Healthy Individual’s Paradigm
 “My health is a priority and I see the short-term and long-term benefits of taking care of myself.” 
If you typically answer like the second person then I want you to spend a few minutes learning about ID Nutrition.  There is no other product like it that I know of and the benefits to your UNIQUE health situation is truly beneficial.
Are you a person that takes their finances seriously?
Broke Individual’s Paradigm
 “I don’t really have control over my financial destiny.  I will always live paycheck to paycheck.  I will probably work until I die.”
Wealthy Individual’s Paradigm
 “I control my financial destiny.  I understand that the pain of discipline is better than the pain of regret.  I expect to enjoy my retirement.”
Do you believe you can become successful by helping others succeed?
Ineffective Paradigm
“There are limited amounts of opportunities.  I must find as many as I can and keep them to myself.”
Effective Paradigm
“There are endless opportunities.  When I find a good one, I want to share it with others because there is enough for everyone.”
There were three questions above.  How did you answer?  Did you tend to answer the first set of responses or the second set of responses?  If you were more like the second set, then I’d like to talk with you!
People who want to be healthy, wealthy and effective naturally want to connect with people to share their mindset or their paradigm.  I will choose to spend time with people “who get it.”  For those that need answers or a solution to their health, I want to help them, even if I don’t have the solution.  I want to help aging citizens live better quality lives… longer.  I want to help those in debt, find financial freedom.  I want to help those who seek self-development learn how to lead themselves and how to lead others.
If you “get it” and want to GET ENHANCED, then let’s connect.  I’d be happy to visit with you by phone or in person (if the opportunity presents itself).  Please fill out the form on the top right-hand side of this page if you would like to learn more about our Products or Business.
Enhancing lives one at a time,
John Vakidis