Thursday, May 31, 2012

I’m buying stock in the letter Z!

For a limited time, Enhance International is offering FREE SHIPPING for PRE-ORDERS for our newest product called Sleep in a Snap.  We will be shipping out our first retail batch early-mid June!  As one of the first distributors to join Enhance, I was blessed with the opportunity to sample this amazing product. 

See if you can relate to this person for a moment...
You work hard, often overtime hours.  Not only do you work hard, but you are busy.  So busy that you don’t get everything done … personally and professionally.  Due to your busy lifestyle, you rarely take time out for yourself to workout, eat right, etc.  Due to the stress, you are over tired and you don’t fall asleep easily or you don’t get restful sleep or worse, both!

If this is you, then you need to trust me when I say, you need to try Sleep in a Snap!  If you trust me, your good friend, John, and order now, you’ll get free shipping and an amazing product that you will be thanking me for later!  It’s that good!

If by chance, you are a bit hesitant, let me know you are at least interested in sleeping better, and I’ll give you a sample for FREE in Mid-June.  I am ordering a limited number of samples on my dime, so if you are the one of the first to contact me to let me know you are interested in getting a better night’s sleep, I’ll pay for it.  I am so confident that you’ll be impressed, that you’ll want to buy more as a customer or become a distributor!

Keep in mind that Ambien sales are $2 Billion per year regardless of the side effects and weird behavior that it can cause.  There are several million Americans that NEED good quality sleep and don’t want the side effects.  Do you think you could sell a few Sleep in a Snap products to your circle?  If so, let’s chat!

Lastly, follow this blog daily for the next 2 weeks.  I’ll be posting some interesting quotes, facts and more about the power of sleep.  You will be amazed at how important good sleep is for your body, mind and general well-being!

If you don’t buy Sleep in Snap now, at least go buy some stock in the letter Z!  There will be a few million more Z’s produced nightly once this stuff hits the streets next month!

Enhancing lives one at a time,
John Vakidis

Cell - 972-786-6800

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lose That Belly and Improve Your Health

The picture above was a joke recently posted by someone on Facebook…”This is what David looked like after he spent 2 years in the U.S.”  Now why this is funny to you me, I think Michelangelo would not have laughed so much.  It’s also not a laughing matter if you are built like this!
According to the Mayo Clinic, men who carry belly fat are at a much greater risk for health problems, like: Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, some types of cancer, Sleep apnea and this list goes on. 
According to their article, your waist is a good indicator for belly fat.  For most men, if you have a waist in excess of 40”, you are probably increasing your risk factors for heart disease and other diseases.
Physical activity, age, genes and alcohol intake are all factors towards belly fat.  Read the full article here.
While we know exercise is a big part of losing weight, so is proper nutrition.  You can get good nutrition through a proper diet, but with today’s hectic lifestyle, most Americans don’t take the time to prepare and eat healthier.  By making moderate choices and adding a good supplement to your daily routine can make a huge difference, not only towards losing weight, but also towards your overall health.
I highly recommend ID Nutrition.  In the first 30 days of taking it, I noticed a substantial increase in my overall energy levels.  I started getting much better sleep immediately.  Lastly, I lost 5 lbs. and at least an inch of my waistline.
If you want to learn more, watch this 2 minute video below.

If you would like to try ID Nutrition, take my 60 day challenge!  Take the assessment online, take the product for 60 days and if you don’t notice a different in your health or quality of life, I’ll give you a full refund. To get started go to: 
What have you got to lose?  Hopefully a few inches!
Enhancing lives one at a time,
John Vakidis

Cell - 972-786-6800

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Helping Others

Two months have passed since I started this blog.  Over time, I’ve written about the Direct Sales Industry, Mentoring Others and I’ve even written about Improving Your Cardiovascular Health.  
You may or may not know, but I also am the blog creator and manager for 3 other sites:
The Mentor’s Anvil - A blog created for Christian Men to help them to get closer to Christ

Bold Warrior - A blog on a Retail Website, which is a source for inspiration for all

FranklinCovey - A blog for my corporate job to introduce training concepts to our market
My goal with these is create brand awareness (of course), but there is also an underlying theme to all, which is helping others.  I encourage you take some time to dig around each of the sites.  You might find some inspiration for yourself or learn something new.  You might also find something for someone else, which in that case, I hope you will forward it on, re-tweet it or post to Facebook.  If you like what you see, I hope you will follow them as a member.  Simply fill out your email at the bottom to begin.
“If you help enough people get what they want, then you’ll eventually get what you want.”
- Zig Zigler

If you believe in this statement to your very core, you are the type of person I would like to work with and get to know.  While I am a distributor for a Enhance International, I am always looking through the paradigm of “Who can I help?” 
·         Can I help this person improve their health? 
·         Can I help this person improve their finances?
·         Can I help this person improve their quality of life?
·         Can I help this person develop better habits?
If the answer is YES to one of these questions, then I will bring my passion, expertise and alignment with me to help this person succeed.  If you can relate to this kind of thinking, then I hope you’ll pick up the phone and give me a call.  It’s much more fun to climb a mountain with a friend than by yourself.  It’s also easier to achieve something great with people that support you. 
You never know, I might be able to help YOU achieve YOUR dreams!
Enhancing lives one person at a time,
John Vakidis
Cell - 972-786-6800

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Birthday Wish

Well, today I turn 41 years old.  If 40 is “Over the Hill”, what is 41… downhill?  I don’t think so!  A month ago, I started taking ID Nutrition, and I feel great… better than I did a year ago!
Today’s blog is going to be short and sweet.  If you are reading this post, make my birthday wish come true!
·         Re-post this link: on any social sites that you use (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
·         Add this comment: My friend. John Vakidis, just started a new business with Enhance International.  He is offering FREE Online Health Assessments for a limited time.  Take yours today!
·         Take the Health Assessment TODAY
·         Buy ID Nutrition and try it for 60 days.  If you don’t see a noticeable difference in your health, we’ll give you a refund.
So make this birthday boy happy and spread the word.  Many thanks!
PS - Caren, if you are reading this, I’d love a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies tonight! J

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dare to Dream

In 2006, the American Heart Association published a study titled, Short Sleep Duration as a Risk Factor for Hypertension (James E. Gangwisch, et al). There were a few facts from this study that really stood out for me:
·         Sleep disorders are associated with cardiovascular disease.
·         Sleep durations of less than 5 hours per night were associated with a significantly increased risk of hypertension.

Hypertension is known for contributing to obesity and high blood pressure among other health risks.  Neither of those two aspects is good for us, especially long term.
About a month ago, I started taking a serious look at my health and I decided to start taking supplements, specifically ID Nutrition.  This amazing product starts with an online health assessment that takes into consideration my lifestyle, my age, my family health history and nearly 40+ other factors. Over 4,000 algorithms are cross referenced across 5,000+ medical journals and studies and it produces customized daily packs of supplements for me, each packet with my name on it.  Pretty cool!
It also provides me with a morning pack and an evening pack.  This concept of delivering nutrients at different parts of the day (morning and night) is referred to as “Chrono Dosing”.  Our bodies absorb certain nutrients differently when we are awake and when we are asleep. 

As of today, I have been taking ID Nutrition for 1 month.  I have lost 5 lbs., I have a ton more energy throughout the day and one of my favorite aspects is that I have been sleeping a lot better.  My sleep quality has improved so much that I dream deeply enough to have some pretty vivid dreams.  Last night was the best of all.  I got to spend some quality time with my father (who passed away 9.5 years ago).
In addition to begin taking ID Nutrition, I also became a distributor of the product.  I dared to dream that I might be able to help others with their health and their finances.  See, ID Nutrition is only being sold through a Direct Sales Model with Enhance International. 
Distributors like me across the country are sharing their experience with ID Nutrition with those that they know and meet.  When people buy the product, they get paid.  If they bring someone else in the business and they sell the product, they get paid again.  Follow this link to learn more about our business opportunity and earnings plan.
So, whether you are looking to improve your health as a customer or make some extra income as a distributor or both, you should at least take a serious look at this product!  For a limited time, we are offering everyone a FREE Online Nutritional Health Assessment.  Start yours now!
In addition to that, we offer a 60-day money back guarantee!  If you take ID Nutrition for 60 days and see absolutely no changes to your health or quality of life, we will give you a refund.  It’s that simple.
Let me ask you this.  Do any of the supplements you currently take offer you either of these options?  I didn’t think so, so what do you have to lose?  Nothing!
I dare you to dream with me!  I’m confident that you’ll be glad that you did!

Enhancing lives one person at a time,
John Vakidis

Cell - 972-786-6800

PS - in a few short weeks, we’ll be releasing our next product, Sleep in Snap.  Learn more now!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

How Supplements and Prescriptions Interact

According to a NCHS Data Brief (study) completed in April 2011, over 40% of Americans take some form of nutritional supplements.  I believe that this number is conservative and even higher today.
The NCHS also reported that almost half of Americans took at least one prescription drug in the last month.  Nearly one third are taking two or more drugs and a little over 10 percent are taking five or more drugs.  Read the report here.   That slope of going from one to two to five drugs is called prescription cascade.

According to Wikipedia, “prescription cascade refers to the process whereby the side effects of drugs are misdiagnosed as symptoms of another problem resulting in further prescriptions and further side effects and unanticipated drug interactions.”

If approximately 40% of Americans take supplements and almost half are on prescriptions, there is a good chance that many are taking both.  Most don’t realize the effects of supplements and prescriptions.  For some, they could be causing their drugs not to work and for others it could be even worse, by increasing the chances of poor drug interaction with the body, which causes negative side effects.

At Enhance International, we have partnered with Paul Sullivan to offer a revolutionary product called ID Nutrition.  If you or someone you love takes supplements or prescription drugs, it will be worth your time to watch this short 2-minute video below.

If you want to learn more, spend 15-minutes with Paul Sullivan, Chief Scientific Officer for Enhance.  He’ll spend more time talking about supplements and prescriptions.  Who knows, you might learn something new!
For a limited time, Enhance International is offering FREE Nutritional Health Assessments (a $50 value).  Take yours today and see the science linked to the nutrition that you should be incorporating into your daily routine.  Better yet, try it for 60 days and if you don’t feel a noticeable difference, we’ll refund your money!  Follow this link to get started today! 
Enhancing lives one person at a time,

John Vakidis

Cell - 972-786-6800