Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fighting Depression

So I am up early after a good night’s rest thanks to a sample I had left for In a Snap - Sleep. I was doing a little work this morning looking for an idea for today’s post. I came across an article on Men’s Health magazine online titled, 11 Foods that End Bad Moods. Over and over, many of the foods suggested had nutrients that helped fight depression. That prompted me to do a little research.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, depression affects approximately 1 out of 10 Americans. With today’s fast-food society, that doesn’t surprise me. Much of what Americans consume is not only bad for our body, but it’s bad for our mind. Depression affects us in so many ways. It gives us a low self-esteem and from finding pleasure in what would normally be an enjoyable activity.

Now, back to the diet. Some foods can increase our stress levels. Much of what is found in the typical American diet slows down our body and our mind.

So what can we do about it? In many cases, with a proper diet and a customized daily supplement, like ID Nutrition, we can give our bodies what we need to knock out depression from our system. If you must take anti-depressants, ID Nutrition can work WITH your prescription, not against it, like many OTC supplements.

If you want to learn more about designing a diet to combat depression, seek professional guidance from a Licensed Nutritionist. If you want to learn more about customizing a supplement plan just for YOU, give me a call.

In your corner,

John Vakidis
Cell - 972-786-6800

PS - I also recommend reading a good book that is designed to “lift you up.” Check out some of the titles written by
Krish Dhanam. You’ll be glad that you did!