Thursday, April 19, 2012

Your Journey Towards Cardiovascular Health

Stone Hearth News recently posted an article online titled, Positive feelings may help protect cardiovascular health.  I found the data interesting that “optimistic individuals have a 50% reduced risk of experiencing an initial cardiovascular event compared to their less optimistic peers.”
This article also stated that, “The American Heart Association reports more than 2,200 Americans die of cardiovascular disease (CVD) each day, an average of one death every 39 seconds. Stroke accounts for about one of every 18 U.S. deaths.”
This hits home for me.  My father had a stroke in his early 40s.  He also had multiple hearts attacks over the following years of his life.  He ended up with a defibulator on his heart to keep him alive.  He died in his early 60s and never got a chance to meet his grandson, Asher.
While my father was optimistic and lived life to the fullest, he wasn’t great about taking care of his health.  He drank, smoke, got little rest, rarely worked out and had a diet that could have been better.  Don’t get me wrong, he was the best cook I ever knew, but it didn’t meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  J
Like my father, I imagine that most of you reading this post don’t eat right, deal with high stress or don’t work-out enough.  That’s why it is important to take nutritional supplements.  Don’t believe me?  Listen to the call titled, “Why take supplements” with Paul Sullivan (recorded April 7, 2012).  Click here now.
You want to give yourself a chance to live longer and healthier, don’t you?  Taking supplements can give your body the nutrients it needs (that it isn’t getting from your diet) so you can fight off family genetics, like in my case: cardiovascular disease.  Will I have a heart attack or stroke some day?  I don’t know, but I do know that if I start taking care of myself now, that I give myself a better chance to meet my grandchildren!
If you’re anything like me, you’re thinking that this makes sense.  Let me tell you something…  It’s never too late to start improving your health.  Begin your journey today with a FREE Health Assessment and recommendation of nutrients from ID Nutrition.  It could be the best investment of time that you ever made!
Helping grandchildren meet their grandparents, one person at a time!
John Vakidis
Cell - 972-786-6800