Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Cost of Good Health

Many people think that the cost of being healthy is out of their budget. Depending on your income, if you are living at the poverty level, that might be true. For most of us, that is NOT the case. Check out one of my last posts, ID Nutrition vs. GNC.

Incorporating good nutrition and supplements into your daily routine does not have to cost you an arm and a leg. For example, I recently went online to complete a FREE Health Assessment with ID Nutrition. This process took all of 15-minutes for me to complete. With a little over 40 questions, I was able to input information about my allergies, family health history, stress levels and much more.

When I was done with the process, I was given a CUSTOM recommendation just for me on what nutrients I should be taking. What’s even more amazing is that this is all backed by scientific data. I was provided a basic daily pack option along with 5 additional recommended nutrients. I thought through which were the most important to me at this stage in my life and then placed my order.

Are you curious to know what the system recommended for me?
Click here to download a PDF with the details.

Now, if you are curious to see how much all of those supplements cost, I dare you to go to GNC, The Vitamin Shoppe, Costco or even online and add up the cost of all those items. See what it would cost for me to take that monthly. After you do that, give me a call and I’ll tell you what I paid for my customized pack. You will be shocked! The cost of good health IS in your budget!

Are you curious to know what ID Nutrition would recommend for you? Click here to begin your FREE Personal Health Assessment.

Want more details on this product or our business opportunity? Let’s chat soon!

Changing lives, one person at a time,

John Vakidis
Cell - 972-786-6800