Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dare to Dream

In 2006, the American Heart Association published a study titled, Short Sleep Duration as a Risk Factor for Hypertension (James E. Gangwisch, et al). There were a few facts from this study that really stood out for me:
·         Sleep disorders are associated with cardiovascular disease.
·         Sleep durations of less than 5 hours per night were associated with a significantly increased risk of hypertension.

Hypertension is known for contributing to obesity and high blood pressure among other health risks.  Neither of those two aspects is good for us, especially long term.
About a month ago, I started taking a serious look at my health and I decided to start taking supplements, specifically ID Nutrition.  This amazing product starts with an online health assessment that takes into consideration my lifestyle, my age, my family health history and nearly 40+ other factors. Over 4,000 algorithms are cross referenced across 5,000+ medical journals and studies and it produces customized daily packs of supplements for me, each packet with my name on it.  Pretty cool!
It also provides me with a morning pack and an evening pack.  This concept of delivering nutrients at different parts of the day (morning and night) is referred to as “Chrono Dosing”.  Our bodies absorb certain nutrients differently when we are awake and when we are asleep. 

As of today, I have been taking ID Nutrition for 1 month.  I have lost 5 lbs., I have a ton more energy throughout the day and one of my favorite aspects is that I have been sleeping a lot better.  My sleep quality has improved so much that I dream deeply enough to have some pretty vivid dreams.  Last night was the best of all.  I got to spend some quality time with my father (who passed away 9.5 years ago).
In addition to begin taking ID Nutrition, I also became a distributor of the product.  I dared to dream that I might be able to help others with their health and their finances.  See, ID Nutrition is only being sold through a Direct Sales Model with Enhance International. 
Distributors like me across the country are sharing their experience with ID Nutrition with those that they know and meet.  When people buy the product, they get paid.  If they bring someone else in the business and they sell the product, they get paid again.  Follow this link to learn more about our business opportunity and earnings plan.
So, whether you are looking to improve your health as a customer or make some extra income as a distributor or both, you should at least take a serious look at this product!  For a limited time, we are offering everyone a FREE Online Nutritional Health Assessment.  Start yours now!
In addition to that, we offer a 60-day money back guarantee!  If you take ID Nutrition for 60 days and see absolutely no changes to your health or quality of life, we will give you a refund.  It’s that simple.
Let me ask you this.  Do any of the supplements you currently take offer you either of these options?  I didn’t think so, so what do you have to lose?  Nothing!
I dare you to dream with me!  I’m confident that you’ll be glad that you did!

Enhancing lives one person at a time,
John Vakidis

Cell - 972-786-6800

PS - in a few short weeks, we’ll be releasing our next product, Sleep in Snap.  Learn more now!