Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lose That Belly and Improve Your Health

The picture above was a joke recently posted by someone on Facebook…”This is what David looked like after he spent 2 years in the U.S.”  Now why this is funny to you me, I think Michelangelo would not have laughed so much.  It’s also not a laughing matter if you are built like this!
According to the Mayo Clinic, men who carry belly fat are at a much greater risk for health problems, like: Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, some types of cancer, Sleep apnea and this list goes on. 
According to their article, your waist is a good indicator for belly fat.  For most men, if you have a waist in excess of 40”, you are probably increasing your risk factors for heart disease and other diseases.
Physical activity, age, genes and alcohol intake are all factors towards belly fat.  Read the full article here.
While we know exercise is a big part of losing weight, so is proper nutrition.  You can get good nutrition through a proper diet, but with today’s hectic lifestyle, most Americans don’t take the time to prepare and eat healthier.  By making moderate choices and adding a good supplement to your daily routine can make a huge difference, not only towards losing weight, but also towards your overall health.
I highly recommend ID Nutrition.  In the first 30 days of taking it, I noticed a substantial increase in my overall energy levels.  I started getting much better sleep immediately.  Lastly, I lost 5 lbs. and at least an inch of my waistline.
If you want to learn more, watch this 2 minute video below.

If you would like to try ID Nutrition, take my 60 day challenge!  Take the assessment online, take the product for 60 days and if you don’t notice a different in your health or quality of life, I’ll give you a full refund. To get started go to: www.enhanceyourlife.com.john. 
What have you got to lose?  Hopefully a few inches!
Enhancing lives one at a time,
John Vakidis

Cell - 972-786-6800